When attempting to use Add Location with a blank model (no geometry) the search results will show a blank screen. A work around for this is to add some geometry before importing Add Location data. The issue is being investigated. We will update once the issue is resolved.
Dear Customer,
Service Interruption Affecting Service(s):
Add Location
Our team has determined that the previously reported issue is now fully resolved. Thank you for your patience during this incident.
We have detected an issue with the SketchUp Login - Rupali Test service. We are working on a fix with high priority.
We have resolved the latest detected problem with the SketchUp Login - Rupali Test service. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
We have detected an issue with the service. We are working on a fix with high priority.
We have resolved the latest detected problem with the SketchUp Profile Service service. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
test new incident - please ignore
Testing completed, resolving the incident
Maintenance in progress
Testing completed, resolving the incident
test new incident - please ignore
Testing completed
test new incident SMS for Rupali - please ignore
test incident closed
test new incident for sms - please ignore
test incident closed
test new incident - please ignore
test incident closed